what is psorasol?
- Safe, universal oil for treating scaling skin conditions
- Water free
- Will not stain or smell if used sparingly
- Clean natural product
- Soothes even the most severe skin symptoms
- Maintains the skin symptom free
- Fit to be used in association with UV light treatment
PSORASOL is a topical application of pine oil derivate fatty acids and plant sterols, which relieves even the most severe skin symptoms. PSORASOL is specially developed for removing scaly thickened skin. Its efficiency is based on a highly refined essential unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acid formula, containing high percentage of linol(Omega 6) and linoleic(Omega 3) fatty acids and Vitamin E.
Discover how healthy skin can improve your quality of life….
“Necessity is the mother of invention”
UVA radiation therapy, antimetabolites, cyclosporine, topical retinoids, calcipotrol, corticosteroids and hydrocortisones - the list goes on. These are all treatments presently used or that have been used in the past for the scaling skin conditions. All these listed treatments and derivatives of the agents mentioned, may treat psoriasis successfully but are often accompanied by severe or undesirable side effects such as damage to T-lymphocytes, renal dysfunction, thinning of the skin, cancer, nausea and liver fibrosis.
PSORASOL was invented by a 73-year-old Finn named Erkkis Kauranen – a psoriasis sufferer for over 30 years. He suffered from psoriasis valgaris and psoriatic arthritis and his symptoms continuously worsened due to the lack of help from existing medicines. Finally he started to study dermatology, bio-chemistry and psychology. He started experimenting with different kinds of fatty acid blendings, first on himself and then on a handful of other psoriasis sufferers that had heard of his work. In 2003 the Finnish government’s interest lead to them funding Erkkis’ research until it was completed in 2004. After several years of experimenting with different formulations he finally found the most effective completely natural mixture with the least side effects…..PSORASOL.
Two separate comparative double-blind studies were undertaken. Study 1- by Dr Allan Lassus MD of the Helsinki Research Center testing the effects of pine derived linoleic fatty acid on stable plaque-type psoriasis, and Study 2- by Professor Mati Majass of the Skin Disease Clinic, Tallinn Central Hospital, Estonia researching the results of treatment with unsaturated fatty acids used locally on stable chronic psoriasis.
Members of the Finnish Psoriasis Association were treated as follows - 50% were treated with a pine derivate linol fatty acid lotion (study group) and 50% with a pacebo lotion (placebo group) over a period of 4 weeks. These 2 groups were clinically very much comparable before treatment. The chosen lesion on the arm or on the leg was clinically measured in 4 ways: scaling, hyprerkeratinization, erythema and itching were measured on a scale of: 0=asymptomatic, 1=mild, 2=moderate, 3=severe.
Median values were counted in the beginning of the research and after 4 weeks . The “Acanthosis” was measured with Dermascan C equipment and the erythema with a photospectrometer at the beginning of the research and after 4 weeks. In the study group the results were as follows :

In Study 1 – 70% of the lesions were completely put into remission and 30% almost completely from the study group. In the placebo group no significant changes were noted. In Study 2- 70% of the lesions were completely put into remission , 20% showed considerable improvement and 2 patients displayed irritation to the treatment substance (appeared to be allergic to the pine resin) .
User guide:The lotion assists in the removing of scaly skin, and has proven to be highly effective. NOTE: The product may also peel healthy skin, but will not however thin the healthy skin excessively. It is recommended that you try to limit the treatment to affected areas during the ”initial intensive treatment stage” of 6-8 weeks.The oil is thinly applied over the affected area 2-3 times a day (over- application may result in oiliness of the skin). When the skin starts flaking it is a sign that the peeling is beginning on the epidermal layer of skin.
When the symptoms improve you may decrease the application to 1-2 times a day. At the “symptom free phase” it is suggested that you spread lotion over the entire body 3 times a week- this will prevent any potential relapses. PSORASOL can be used long term quite safely.
You should only use the lotion 2-3 times per day as long as you have scaly skin. The time period for usage depends on how thick your scaly skin is, scaling usually disappears within 4-6 weeks. Psorasol is also great complementary treatment to use between topical steroid and systemic therapy.
Indications :PSORASOL is a complementary medicine that has shown very positive results with patients that suffer from psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
Contra-indications:If any discomfort or irritation is experienced, treatment with PSORASOL should be discontinued as an allergy to pine resin has been observed in a small number of patients.
Side effects and over-dosage:Because PSORASOL is a totally natural preparation there are no known harmful side effects from taking it . You also cannot overdose on it. Your metabolic system uses only what your body requires and eliminates the rest .
Suggested lifestyle changes to enhance successful treatment:- Avoid stress
- Eat a healthy diet
- Fluid balance - drink enough, avoid excess alcohol consumption
- Clothing - favour natural materials
- Enjoy the outdoors, enjoy the sun
Safety has not been established.
Children :PSORASOL can be safely used on children. No known side effects exist .
Warning:For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Not to be used if patient is allergic to pine resin.
Storage instructions:PSORASOL is guaranteed for 1 year if stored in a cool (below 25 C ) and dry place.
Identification:A yellow coloured oily liquid.
Presentation:Yellow oily liquid in a 100ml or 250ml PVC bottle with dispensing cap.
Registration number:Government notice 23128
Manufacturer :Oy PsoriOil, PL 42, 46901, Anjalankoski, Finland
Gsm :+358 40 552 6757 , Fax : +358 5 325 4024 , e-mail : info@psorasol.com
Name and business address of distributor: Mikamed (PTY)LTD, 150 Woburn Ave, Benoni, 1501Tel- +27(11)421-6321 , Fax- +27(11)422-3648 , e-mail- info@mikamed.co.za
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