What is psoriasis?
The cause of psoriasis is unknown yet it is believed to be related to one’s immune system. When your immune system is weakened skin cells regenerate too quickly. The turnover time of the skin cells is reduced from every 30 days to every 3-4 days. Skin cells build up on the skin’s surface forming red,scaly lesions of plaque that can crack,bleed and be extremely painful.
What is eczema?
There are two main categories of eczema. Contact eczema, also known as exogenous eczema, occurs when substances or chemicals cause irritation that leads to an allergic reaction in the skin. "Atopic" eczema (endogenous eczema), is when there is a genetic, or inherited tendency to develop the condition. Eczema makes the skin itchy, dry and sometimes scaly, causing the skin to crack,become inflamed and red leaving it prone to bacterial infection.
PSORASOL is a 100% natural complimentary medical product to assist in the treatment of scaling skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, infantile eczema and dermatitis. Suitable for all skin types.
PSORASOL is a topical application of pine oil derivate fatty acids and plant sterols, which relieves even the most severe skin symptoms. PSORASOL is specially developed for removing scaly thickened skin. Its efficiency is based on a highly refined essential unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acid formula, containing high percentage of linol (Omega 6) and linoleic (Omega 3) fatty acids and Vitamin E.
“Necessity is the mother of invention”
Antimetabolites, cyclosporine, topical retinoids, calcipotrol, corticosteroids and hydrocortisones - the list goes on. These are all treatments presently used or that have been used in the past for the scaling skin conditions. All these listed treatments and derivatives of the agents mentioned, may treat psoriasis successfully but are often accompanied by severe or undesirable side effects such as damage to T-lymphocytes, renal dysfunction, thinning of the skin, cancer, nausea and liver fibrosis.
Because Psorasol is a totally natural preparation there are no known harmful side effects from taking it. You can’t overdose on it. Your metabolic system uses only what it needs and eliminates any excess. Psorasol is also safe to use on children.
How do I use PSORASOL?
We recommend that you try to limit the treatment to affected areas during the ‘initial intensive treatment stage’ of 6-8 weeks. The oil should be thinly applied to the affected area 2-3 times per day (over application may result in oiliness of the skin). As symptoms improve you may decrease the application to 1-2 times per day. At the ‘symptom free stage’ apply the lotion to the entire body 3 times a week – this will aid in preventing any potential relapse. This product may be used long term quite safely.
Are there any adverse effects from PSORASOL?
No side effects were noted during trials however skin irritation may be experienced if the patient is allergic to pine resin.
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